Word Alive Now Blog
After numerous delays, the Guerguagui people of Chad have finally received the New Testament in their language, Guerguiko.
A translation team in Tanzania was working on translating “Garden of Eden,” but the Swahili word the translators had considered just wasn’t adequate.
“When [God] chose my great-grandfather, he wasn’t just choosing an individual, but the generations coming afterward that would continue in that work.”
Wycliffe’s key partner organization has joined a group of UN agencies, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), private and civil society members to further advance innovative learning initiatives for the world’s changing learning environments.
Globally in 2020, digital Scriptures in 1,968 languages became available on various sites and apps.
Acknowledge the very real darkness of this world and you’ll have eyes to see Advent through the same lens as the people waiting for a Messiah thousands of years ago.
“Life here has been very difficult. . . . This Bible in my own language is my only source of hope now.”
A new book featuring Kate and Mack is an adventure based on the Tower of Babel, where languages began.