Word Alive Now Blog
Beginning in April 2019, Dr. John Chesnut will begin serving a three-year term as the new president and CEO of Wycliffe U.S., following a transition period with Bob Creson. Creson has served as president and CEO of Wycliffe U.S. over…
Since he was 19, this committed Christian has struggled to keep his life clean in God’s eyes. Based on what he knows in God’s Word, Berki has consistently refused to participate in a Hamer people’s cultural rite of passage into manhood: bull jumping. In this ceremony, the village gathers. Bare-backed women chant and blow horns in hopes of provoking the boys to whip them with birch sticks. The permanent scars become a symbol of their devotion — even though some women have died from the beatings.
Established in 1968, Wycliffe Japan is the oldest Wycliffe Global Alliance organization among the 25 in Asia and also the first non-western Alliance organization that stepped out to serve minority language communities.
After my wife Jo and I accepted the Canelas’ invitation 50 years ago to come and live with them in their jungle village in Brazil, we never heard a Canela pray. Why should they? Their Creator had abandoned them.
In February 2018, three of our Nukna co-translators (Muransi, Emson and Tángiliong) came to Ukarumpa (the main translation centre in Papua New Guinea) to help Matt revise the first drafts of Galatians and Ephesians. God certainly blessed our time together,…
Several hundred images from SIL Philippines’ photo archive collection are gracing the pages of a large, prestigious encyclopedia, recently revised and published by the Cultural Center of the Philippines
In this Nov. 2018 article in Christianity Today, Canadian author and speaker Ann Voskamp describes the Rendille’s joy as they dedicate their own New Testament translation. Read the CT story
The concept of a yoke placed on animals is completely foreign [in this language group]. Thus, we have struggled greatly in our attempt to translate Matthew 11: 29-30.
Dr. Jim Dean, director of Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada from 1976 to 1986, died Dec. 24 after an extended illness. He was 96. Jim is survived by his five children—Sheri Stewart in greater Toronto, Timothy in Arizona, Roseann McCool…
One day, two Bible translators came to visit. They brought booklets, called The Christmas Story, in the mother tongue of the villagers. The entire community was invited to hear the story.