Word Alive Now Blog
Responding to the social restraints caused by the spread of COVID-19, the Canada Institute of Linguistics (CanIL) plans to hold its “Summer@CanIL” training course online. As the training partner of Wycliffe Canada, CanIL has traditionally held its summer course in…
Besides helping Gbari farmers reflect on how the Bible speaks into their lives in practical ways, the workshop is helping to elevate the status of farming.
I had a firm conviction that God was in a hurry to save the Canelas and all the rest of the world and that therefore, I should be too.
The 23rd edition of Ethnologue, an authoritative catalogue of the world’s languages, is now available online. First published in 1951 by SIL International, Wycliffe’s key partner organization, the latest edition is the result of more than 18,000 updates that have…
Software developers are enabling Bible translation around the world. They’re people like Brian Chapaitis, who left his high-paying job in corporate engineering to serve in Papua New Guinea alongside his wife and family. Soon Brian found himself working on cutting-edge…