Managing Relationships

Length 3:45 Brian got more than he bargained for, in the best possible way. He was single when he started his path towards Wycliffe, but God had other plans. Then, when Brian began serving overseas as a manager, cross-cultural relationships in the workplace became an unexpected catalyst for personal growth.

Thank You

Thank You!

Length 00:52 For more than 80 years, we’ve been passionate about helping people access Scripture in a language and format…

Every Sign Points to God_posterframe

Every Sign Points to God

Length 03:07 There’s one noticeable difference between Sora and most members of the Japanese Sign Language Bible translation team: they’re…

A Light in the Jungle

A Light in the Jungle

Length 16:31 A Light in the Jungle—mystery, death, life—key words that embody this 16-minute docudrama on transformation among the Folopa people…

Big Things_French

De grandes choses

Durée 3:15 Les gens ordinaires peuvent faire de grandes choses avec l’aide de Dieu. Faites un voyage en Tanzanie et…