The Word Come Alive

Length 00:31 God’s Word is alive and transforming lives. Yet more than 167 million haven’t heard God’s message of love and redemption in a language that speaks to their hearts. Check out this short Wycliffe promotional video.

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You Are Not Alone (Canadian version)

Length 2:38 When you’re considering what it looks like to become a missionary with Wycliffe, you might have some questions…

Engaging a Generation

Engaging a Generation

Length 4:43 Can this generation become truly engaged in God’s global vision? Is there a growing movement on the rise…

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Totally God’s Thing

Length 5:55 This PD (Partnership Development) success story, “Totally God’s Thing” is an in-house Wycliffe film. Feel free to use…

Scripture in Media – Israel’s Story

Length 05:52 Israel is a media specialist and co-ordinator of a unique ministry that’s making a great impact on minority peoples…