Healing Trauma

Length 5:39 From two civil wars to active rebel groups and widespread corruption, the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have suffered unthinkable trauma. This film highlights two moving stories of Congolese who found hope to go on because of biblical teaching they received on trauma healing.

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This Grand Story

Length 2:02 Who is Wycliffe Bible Translators? What do they do and who are the people they serve? You might…

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Why Bible Translation (Canadian version-3)

Length 2:07 At Wycliffe, we believe the Bible is God’s Word to us — and as such, something that everyone…

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Encourage and Equip—An ATEK Story

Length 5:18 High in the Peruvian Andes, in the remote villages and towns surrounding Cusco, live 1.5 million Quechua people.…

Exploring Possibilities

Exploring Possibilities

Length 4:55 Many churches today long for a more direct, personal and meaningful involvement in God’s global mission. In this…