Engaging a Generation

Length 4:43 Can this generation become truly engaged in God’s global vision? Is there a growing movement on the rise to bring transformation to marginalized Bibleless people groups? In this video, Jessica shares her deep passion for the ministry she’s privileged to serve in and ends with a challenge for you.

My Colour

My Colour, My Language (a Cree Initiative story)

Length 5:55 In spite of a history marred by tragedy, God is at work among Canada’s First Nations. My Colour,…

ATEK_Alentando y equipando

Alentando y equipando—Una historia de ATEK

Length 5:19 En lo alto de los Andes Peruanos, en las aldeas y pueblos remotos que rodean Cusco, viven 1.5 millones…

Walking Together

Walking Together, the ministry of AIDIA

Length 5:26 High in the Andes Mountains of Peru, God is transforming lives through His Word. In “Walking Together,” discover…

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Something Different

Length 4:53 Love brought them together, and God’s love moved them to do something very different with their lives in…