God is Moving

Length 0:37 A brief, but lively opener that describes our vision and helps set the stage for Wycliffe mission events, partnership development and more.

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Race to 2025 Short Promo

Length 1:08 This film is from our archives, featuring clips from past summer and winter races. For the current Race to…

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A Telling Story

Length 5:04 This simple tale is really a story within a story. How do you effectively reach a language and culture…

Thank You

Thank You!

Length 00:52 For more than 80 years, we’ve been passionate about helping people access Scripture in a language and format…

Thinking About Missions_SimpCHINESE_poster frame

Thinking About Missions? (SC)

Length 0:58 参与跨文化宣教工作其实不是遥不可及的事。或许你不知道自己已拥有不少当宣教士的装备;你也会惊讶地发现原来工场上的服侍机会是那么多元化的。 如欲了解更多或探索服侍机会,请与我们联络:chinese@wycliffe.ca