Big Things

Length 3:22 Normal people can do big things with God’s help. Take a trip to Tanzania and meet Danny, a missionary serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Find out how he and the team are helping meet the needs for Bible translation and literacy by training local believers. Also discover one of Danny’s delectable hobbies.

To Last Forever

To Last Forever

Length 1:04 A financial partner shares the value of investing in eternity through the Bible translation ministry. This is part…

Big Things_French

De grandes choses

Durée 3:15 Les gens ordinaires peuvent faire de grandes choses avec l’aide de Dieu. Faites un voyage en Tanzanie et…

A Telling Story SHORT V2 freeze2

A Telling Story (short version)

Length 3:05 How do you effectively reach a language and culture built around oral stories where most of the people…

Your Prayers Matter_1200

Your Prayers Matter

Length 2:02 We often underestimate the power of prayer to change the world around us. But as the example in…