The Most Important Message

Length 02:55 John Wycliffe is known as the Morning Star of the Reformation. The work and legacy of this dedicated servant of Christ helped change history, planting seeds for generations of Bible translators from thousands of language groups. Watch this richly textured animation to learn more.

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Encourage and Equip—An ATEK Story

Length 5:18 High in the Peruvian Andes, in the remote villages and towns surrounding Cusco, live 1.5 million Quechua people.…

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You Are Not Alone (Canadian version)

Length 2:38 When you’re considering what it looks like to become a missionary with Wycliffe, you might have some questions…

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Every Sign Points to God

Length 03:07 There’s one noticeable difference between Sora and most members of the Japanese Sign Language Bible translation team: they’re…

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Working Slick

Length 2:33 Using technology effectively is foundational to the success of any organization. Learn more in our film, Working Slick…