Managing Relationships

Length 3:45 Brian got more than he bargained for, in the best possible way. He was single when he started his path towards Wycliffe, but God had other plans. Then, when Brian began serving overseas as a manager, cross-cultural relationships in the workplace became an unexpected catalyst for personal growth.

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Journey in Generosity

Length 3:11 This short film is a glimpse into the generous hearts of a giving family. Wycliffe partner story with…

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Your Prayers Matter

Length 2:02 We often underestimate the power of prayer to change the world around us. But as the example in…

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Ukulele Praise

Length 00:29 What does John 14:6 sound like in a minority language? This brief vignette shows a young boy playing and…

Capacity Building

Length 01:22 Capacity building—sharing knowledge, skills and tools with our field partners and indigenous churches around the world. This video…