Made in His Image

Length 1:45 Scripture says that “even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ…” (Ephesians 1:4, NLT).

Millions around the world — who don’t have a word of Scripture in their own language — are unaware of God’s love, and how valuable they are to Him. But you can help change that. Let’s bring the Word of God to those still waiting for it!

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A Telling Story (short version)

Length 3:05 How do you effectively reach a language and culture built around oral stories where most of the people…

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Something Different

Length 4:53 Love brought them together, and God’s love moved them to do something very different with their lives in…

Big Adventure

Big Adventure

Length 4:33 From empanadas to sago, this missionary has a passion for food and for the relationships that surround her…

Thinking About Missions posterframe_TC_IT

Thinking About Missions? (TC)

Length: 0:58 參與跨文化宣教工作其實不是遙不可及的事。或許你不知道自己已擁有不少當宣教士的裝備;你也會驚訝地發現原來工場上的服侍機會是那麼多元化的。 如欲了解更多或探索服侍機會,請與我們聯絡