Made in His Image

Length 1:45 Scripture says that “even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ…” (Ephesians 1:4, NLT).

Millions around the world — who don’t have a word of Scripture in their own language — are unaware of God’s love, and how valuable they are to Him. But you can help change that. Let’s bring the Word of God to those still waiting for it!

In the Beginning freeze2_1200 1

In the Beginning

Length 4:19 In some areas of the world, people who serve Jesus put their lives in danger on a daily basis.…

Big Things

Big Things

Length 3:22 Normal people can do big things with God’s help. Take a trip to Tanzania and meet Danny, a missionary…

To Last Forever

To Last Forever

Length 1:04 A financial partner shares the value of investing in eternity through the Bible translation ministry. This is part…

CanIL_Mind on Fire posterframe

CanIL_Mind on Fire

Length 2:00 At The Canada Institute of Linguistics (CanIL), you’re more than a student. You’re a mind on fire. CanIL…