Hope Through Bible Translation

Length 0:59 Imagine reading the Bible in a second language you learned in high school. Would you get frustrated and give up? For so many people around the world, that’s their reality because they have no known Scripture and no active translation project. Wycliffe envisions a Bible translation program in progress, in every language still needing one, by 2025.

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Studio Wycliffe Promo Video

Length 1:05 Are you a budding Christian filmmaker with a communications/media arts education or film school training, maybe even a…


Bible Translation

Length 0:50 How many people need the Bible translated in the language they understand best? What forms are Bibles distributed…

Big Adventure

Big Adventure

Length 4:33 From empanadas to sago, this missionary has a passion for food and for the relationships that surround her…

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Wycliffe in 60 Seconds – #1

Length 1:16 Travel with us around the world as a professor, pastors and laypeople share their thoughts about the Bible…