Every Sign Points to God

Length 03:07 There’s one noticeable difference between Sora and most members of the Japanese Sign Language Bible translation team: they’re Deaf and Sora is not.

Go behind the scenes with Sora and discover why sign language translation is vitally important for the Deaf.


Bible Translation

Length 0:50 How many people need the Bible translated in the language they understand best? What forms are Bibles distributed…

Thinking About Missions posterframe_KOREAN

Thinking About Missions? (Korean)

Length 0:55 우리는 스스로 생각하는 것보다 훨씬 더 잘 준비된 선교사입니다. 왜냐하면 이 시대의 선교사는 바로 우리 자신과 같은 모습이기…

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God’s Love—An Open Book

Length 2:11 God’s love and Wycliffe’s ministries are deeply intertwined. Discover how opening books—through Bible translation, literacy and related work—is…

Extreme Flexibility

Extreme Flexibility Required

Length 3:45 Unexpected things happen on the mission field. Follow this young dreadlocked dude on his six-month journey in a distant…