More valuable than jade and gold

This post shares Nyan’s* story from our Christmas mailing. Learn more about Scripture engagement in Nyan’s region at Note: To protect identities in a sensitive area, this story is a compilation of several workshop participants’ stories and quotes.

“I saw that my children were more valuable than jade and gold, and they deserved quality time with me.” 

For most of his parenting journey, this was not a statement that Nyan* would have made. Rather, his children were often a source of conflict in his life, and a reminder of his failures. The middle-aged farmer lives in a sensitive region of Southeast Asia, a place where uncertainty is a constant. But Nyan’s struggle went deeper than external circumstances—his life was marred by generational anger, violence and addiction. 

A representative photo from Nyan’s region. Photo: Wycliffe Global Alliance

Growing up, Nyan had watched his father battle substance abuse. He had also witnessed anger and violence in his own home and in those of his relatives. “My grandmother was always angry, and she passed this on to my mother, who passed it on to me,” he recalls. “Then, one day I realized that my son had an anger management problem [that he had learned] from me, too.”

This knowledge didn’t solve anything—rather, it added guilt to the burdens that Nyan was already carrying. Like his father before him, he found himself in the throes of addiction, consumed by anger. His marriage and relationships with his children were filled with conflict, and life seemed hopeless.

But then one day, a neighbour invited Nyan to a Scripture-based workshop about strengthening families. It was an unusual invitation—Nyan and his neighbours had never before had the opportunity to receive training on how to have healthy family relationships. Intrigued, he decided to attend.

As he listened to the workshop facilitator teach lessons on family life drawn from newly-translated Scriptures, Nyan was amazed. There was a God who loved him and could forgive his sins. Not only that, but this loving God also cared for his family and wanted to heal his broken relationships.

“The workshop taught me that parenting is a God-given responsibility. I learned the importance of being a good father…and that children are a gift from God.”

Nyan now believed that his children were indeed more valuable than jade and gold. This revelation led him to search God’s Word for wisdom that he could apply to all facets of his life. He committed himself to Christ and began the process of reconciling with relatives and breaking free from substance abuse. 

Today, Nyan praises God for the restoration and peace that are increasingly present in his family life. He is involved with ministry at his church, and faces the future with hope. 

“I regret my parenting style in the past. I made many mistakes raising my kids and did many things wrong… Now I know that parenting is precious and my children are priceless gifts from God. I will teach this to my church, youth, Sunday school—so that no one else has to suffer like me.

“I now have hope.”

Workshops like the one Nyan attended are multiplying across this region of Southeast Asia, drawing thousands of people. Despite the great obstacles they face in participating, their hunger for truth and healing are greater still. Through the lessons on family life drawn from the translated Scriptures, attendees not only learn practical wisdom for parenting, but also encounter the God who loves them and their families. 

Meaningful engagement with God’s Word transforms individuals, families and communities. Would you consider sharing the gift of Scripture in a region like Nyan’s? You’ll enable someone like him to access the Bible and apply its principles to their lives. Visit to learn more.


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