Colin Sugget

SUGGETT, Colin and Dot


While still in university, Colin and Dot began pursuing God’s call to mission. They discovered that the analytical skills required in Bible translation and linguistics dovetailed perfectly with their personalities and their training in the sciences.

They joined Wycliffe in 1988 worked in linguistics and translation among the Turka people of Burkina Faso (West Africa) from 1993-2018.

In 2019, the Suggetts transitioned to Canada, working from their home in St. Catharines, ON. Their years of field experienced equipped them for their new roles supporting Bible translation and literacy around the world.

Colin is the lead software tester for BLOOM, a software suite which facilitates book production in marginalized languages. He provides user support and training for BLOOM as well. Dot helps translation consultants in South Asia by doing New Testament checks in language projects nearing completion. She also serves as a coach in the Partnership Development department.