Latest Past Events
Meet the Field: Asarɨ’o
Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime experience to meet those directly working in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with the newly launched project, Asarɨ’o. We will have an opportunity to learn more about the Asarɨ’o people, ask questions directly with those serving in PNG, and pray for the people and their work.
Estate Planning: Giving You Peace of Mind
Bethany Chapel - Fireside Room 3333 Richardson Way SW, CalgaryWhen it comes to all the to-do's in our life, getting our things in order and creating a Will tends to be one of the things we put off until another day. There are many reasons why we procrastinate, but we are often worried about some difficult decisions to make, and we aren't sure where…
Your Will As A Love Letter
Creating a Will can be like writing a love letter. Thinking through your options, making good choices, and considering those you love can say more to them than you may…