
Leadership Team

Wycliffe Canada leaders share a common passion to glorify God through the ministry of Bible translation. They have confidence in the sovereignty of God, a profound respect for others demonstrated through service to all, a life of integrity, and strong commitment to the vision of Bible translation.

Our senior leadership team, under the direction of the president, apply biblical principles and values in their decision-making and problem solving, as they work together.


Jon ImBeau


Jon grew up in London, Ontario and at a young age received Jesus Christ as his saviour. Jon was raised in the church and soon felt the Lord calling him into ministry. Upon graduation, he attended Moody Bible Institute, the Irish Baptist College (where he received a diploma in Christian studies) and completed his B.R.E. degree at Northwest Baptist College. He completed his studies at Regent College with an M.Div. where he majored in missions.

Jon has been married to his wife Debbie for 28 years and they have 4 kids. The family enjoys game nights and the occasional bike ride. Debbie and Jon love grabbing a coffee and going for long walks together.

Jon has a unique mix of both serving in the local church as a pastor and leading para-church organizations in Canada. His ministry work has taken him across the world, giving him many opportunities to come alongside and work with national leaders. After leading the Awana Canada ministry for 10 years, Jon served as a Lead Pastor in BC before making the transition to Wycliffe Canada. Jon believes wholeheartedly in Wycliffe’s vision of translation to transformation and is thankful to serve as President for such a time as this.

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Sharyn Thomson

Senior Vice President, Programs

Originally from Winnipeg, Sharyn has always been interested in different languages and cultures. After completing a degree in Linguistics and French, she worked in business for six years before beginning a master’s degree in Christian Studies at Regent College in Vancouver, B.C. While there, she attended the Urbana Student Missions Conference and began exploring mission opportunities, leading to her joining Wycliffe in 1986.

In 1989, Sharyn moved to Burkina Faso, West Africa where she served in several support roles before joining the Buamu language project. She served as linguist, exegete, and project leader until that project transitioned to national leadership in 2009. She continued to support the team in an advisory capacity while pursuing further training in linguistics until the New Testament was completed in 2011.

In 2013, Sharyn was asked to serve as General Director for both SIL Burkina Faso and SIL Mali. In 2016, SIL brought the work in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, and Niger together into one unit. Sharyn served as General Director of this new group until the end of September 2022.

Now based in Canada, Sharyn joined the leadership team as Interim President in January 2023 and helped steer Wycliffe Canada through a time of leadership transition. She now serves as Senior Vice President for Programs, expecting to grow the engagement of the Church in Canada with field partners around the world, as well as exploring how Wycliffe Canada might serve indigenous and diaspora language communities within Canada.

Bert Visser

Bert Visser

Senior Vice President, Church Partnerships

Bert has had an interest in missions and Wycliffe since attending Urbana in 1981, when he was in law school. He and his wife Wilma joined Wycliffe in 1996. In 1999, the Visser family of five moved to Cameroon, Africa. Bert served in public relations and partnerships, director of church relations and as general director. Wilma was involved in health care for the missionaries and in human resources (HR). Bert and Wilma returned to live in Halifax, NS in April 2018.

They started new assignments in January 2019, working remotely from their home in Halifax. Wilma is HR systems administrator for SIL Francophone Africa Area, a Wycliffe partner doing Bible translation. Bert joined the prayer ministries team and became director of prayer ministries in April 2020. In October 2021 he was asked to also serve as Vice President, Church Partnerships.

The Vissers’ three married children live in Germany, Manitoba and Halifax. Bert and Wilma have been blessed with eight grandchildren.


Beat Kunz

Vice President, Field Partnerships

Beat (a native of Switzerland whose first name is derived from the Latin word for “blessed”) met his wife Robyn in 1997 when they both served with Wycliffe in Cameroon, Africa. In 1999, they studied at the Canada Institute of Linguistics (CanIL) in Langley, B.C. before returning to Africa . Beat later earned a master’s degree from CanIL in applied linguistics and biblical exegesis.

Beat and Robyn served in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Chad. Prior to returning to Canada in 2016, Beat’s work in francophone Africa included coaching national partners who were responsible for managing language programs and providing leadership in language development (i.e. establishing a written alphabet, promoting literacy, etc).

Robyn loves teaching. Besides home schooling their three children in multiple settings, she also trained local teachers in Chad in the use of Chadian Arabic as a language of instruction.

The Kunz family is currently living in Calgary to help their three teenage children, Tabea, Simeon and Nadja, finish high school and prepare for adulthood. Beat joined the Wycliffe Canada leadership team in February 2018. Robyn serves part time at Wycliffe’s Calgary office, helping Wycliffe members establish strong partnerships for prayer and financial support. They hope to return to Africa as soon as their nest is empty.


Chrissy Engeler

Vice President, Finance

Chrissy grew up in New Zealand and received a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Auckland University. While working as an accountant, she became a Christian, and learned of the need for Bible translation. In 1987 she went with Wycliffe to Cameroon and served in the finance office. In 1997 she came to Canada, where she has worked in various roles in Wycliffe Canada's finance department, including the CFO for seven years. She is happy to again be serving in that role since June 2020, while juggling her time with grandchildren.

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Francis Tang

Vice President, Virtual Environments

Francis was born and raised in Hong Kong. In 1983, he came to Toronto for school and finished his Business Computing and Administrative Studies degree in Winnipeg. In 1990 he moved to Calgary, where he married his fiancée Fanny the same year. For more than 30 years, Francis has worked in the information technology industry in the areas of software development and project management.

In 2015, Francis joined Wycliffe Canada as a volunteer to help out in the Virtual Environments department. After several months of volunteering, he sensed God’s guidance to begin working full time as the Application Lead. Francis now leads the Virtual Environments team and serves on Wycliffe Canada’s leadership team.

Francis is thankful to be part of God’s ministry through the global Bible translation movement. Although he finds it challenging to keep pace with the ever-changing information technology world, Francis sees it as a journey to listen, learn, serve, support, and grow together with his fellow team members.

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Debbie York

Vice President, People

Debbie is originally from Ontario and moved to Calgary in 2007. She married her husband, Logan, in 2012, and they have two children: Levi, born in 2013 and Ezra, born in 2016. Throughout her life, Debbie has been involved in community engagement and volunteer work, driven by her Christian upbringing. She actively participated in her church from a young age and during her young adult life volunteered at the Calgary Young Offenders Centre, running Youth Chapel Programs. After becoming a parent, she redirected her efforts towards volunteering at Glenmore Christian Academy and Heaven Can Wait Animal Rescue.

Debbie started her professional journey back in 2012, initially as a Receptionist and HR Administrator in the oil and gas sector. Through her tenure, she honed her skills and gained valuable experience that paved the way for her career growth. Her path led her through diverse roles, including positions at the South Calgary Primary Care Network and Coril Holdings, where she continued to expand her expertise. In 2019, Debbie transitioned to Wycliffe making a pivotal move to the People and Culture Department in 2020, a shift that resonated deeply with her passion for human resources. Here, she found the perfect avenue to merge her professional skills with her enthusiasm for fostering a positive workplace environment and supporting the growth and development of employees.


Leigh McGough

Vice President, Development

Leigh was born in the northeast of the UK. Making a decision to follow Jesus as a teenager, Leigh has always had a passion for young people as the church of today, desiring to see them released into their calling and passions. Leigh and his wife Samantha both worked in education before relocating to Canada as a family in 2017 to work with the Awana ministry, leading church partnerships and training in Western Canada.
Leigh joined Wycliffe Canada in August 2022 with a passion for getting people excited about Bible Translation. He leads the Development department, which helps our supporters get excited and involved in funding the work of Bible translation projects. He is thankful to be involved in the ministry of Wycliffe, because every person, community, and language group should have access to God's word.
Leigh and his family live in Fort Langley, BC where he continues to serve in youth and children's ministry in his local church.


Those selected to serve on the board must demonstrate Christian character, enthusiastically support the work of Bible translation, and be committed to full participation in board work. Using their ability to think strategically and futuristically, with a consistent emphasis on discerning God’s will, the board sets the direction for Wycliffe Canada. The president of Wycliffe Canada, Jon ImBeau, and the leadership team under his direction is responsible for achieving the desired results set by the board.

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Antoinette van Kuik


Antoinette’s life experience has been characterized by diversity. The daughter of Dutch Reformed parents who immigrated from Holland just before she was born, Antoinette grew up in a Mennonite church in rural Saskatchewan. She met her husband, Dr. Henry Fast, while attending a Christian & Missionary Alliance church. They have been members of the inter-denominational Church of The Way in Winnipeg for more than 30 years, but more recently make their home in an Anglican parish. She pursued post-secondary education in piano, sociology, music history, and educational administration. She has lived in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario and traveled in every Canadian province.

After retiring from a fulfilling career as vice-president for college academics at Providence University College, Antoinette now fills her time with volunteer work in organizations such as A Rocha and Wycliffe Canada. She has served as the volunteer engagement services team lead for the Diabetes Canada in Manitoba.

After a career in the Christian higher education sector, Antoinette is happy to bring her experience to the Wycliffe board, most recently as Board Chair. Retirement allows her greater time to cultivate creativity through photography, stained glass and detailed stitching projects. She also enjoys time visiting with friends and getting to know her grandchildren. In addition, Antoinette and her husband Henry enjoy traveling throughout Canada. They have a “bucket list” goal of visiting as many of Canada’s national parks as possible—having supported these parks through their taxes for some time now. She and her husband live in Manitoba.

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Randall Visser

Vice Chair

Randall grew up in Wycliffe, spending his formative years in Cameroon as his parents Bert and Wilma Visser served with Wycliffe. Since moving back to Canada to complete a Bachelor of Science at Dalhousie University, Randall has gone on to become a Chartered Professional Accountant, and has spent over a decade working for various cabinet ministers and ministries of the Government of Canada. He previously served his church as a board member and treasurer and as a general director of a private Christian school. Randall, his wife Cassandra and their three young children live in Manitoba.

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Heather Geertsma

Heather is a lawyer in the Greater Toronto Area and has practiced law for the last 9 years. She currently runs and operates her own law firm specializing in family law issues.

Heather was brought up in a strong Christian family in Southwestern Ontario who supported Wycliffe’s ministry. Her older sister, who had a career in education, joined Wycliffe and moved to South Asia to develop literacy programs. This sparked a deeper interest in Wycliffe and a commitment to Wycliffe’s mission.

Heather believes strongly in serving in any capacity that God calls her, whether that be in private legal practice, at her church through Bible study, or leading a ministry. She brings her education, life experience and passion for God’s kingdom to the Board.

She lives in Mississauga with her husband and her two beautiful daughters.

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David Baker

David is from Winnipeg Manitoba and is the founder and former CEO of Think Shift Advertising.  His professional focus over the last 26 years has been focused on the agriculture industry as well as in leadership coaching and corporate culture. Since retiring from Think Shift he now spends time consulting and on the Board of the company. 

David and Debbie have been married for 36 years and have 3 adult children and five grandchildren. 

David and Debbie became Christians as adults, at 28 and 25 years old respectively, and were active for 21 years as members of Gateway Church, a nondenominational evangelical church which is part of Salt and Light ministries. For the last 10 years they have been part of a home church.  He and his wife enjoy traveling together and spending time at the lake.

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Kirstyn Mackie

Kirstyn first became involved with Wycliffe as a volunteer when she was completing her undergrad in Linguistics at the University of Calgary. She was part of a small group that dreamed up and launched Café Wycliffe (now Café Logos) which spread across Canada and then internationally. She went on to work in Education, Marketing and Communications and then completed her MBA, focusing on strategy, marketing and business law. Since her first encounters with Wycliffe, her passion for promoting and advocating for Bibleless people groups has only grown. She was the chair of the missions committee at her church, Bethany Chapel, when they initiated a Kingdom Friendship with Wycliffe Thailand, a major partnership that directly impacts the efforts of engaging the Thai church and mobilizing local missionaries. She and her husband, Aaron, have been involved in supporting a number of Wycliffe initiatives, including visiting projects in multiple areas of Thailand. Kirstyn and Aaron live in the Calgary area with their three children, whom she homeschools. In her “free” time, she teaches a classical dialectic literature class and is very active in her home church in the missions, Awana and worship ministries. Kirstyn is honoured to have the opportunity and privilege to support the mission of Wycliffe in its critical Kingdom-building work.

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Mario Swampy

Mario has served as Pastor for the Louis Bull All Nations Church in Maskwacis Alberta since 2014, and on Chief and Council for the Samson Cree Nation from 2011-2023. He believes these positions have given him a unique perspective on some of the challenges that exist when it comes to reconciliation both politically and at the church level between Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. Given Canada’s controversial political past concerning its First Peoples, which includes the residential schools, Mario believes that the body of Jesus Christ has an amazing opportunity right now to demonstrate true reconciliation in tangible and practical ways through the Gospel.

Joan Macdonald Feb 2024

Joan Macdonald

Joan and Bill live in Stratford PEI and have two married sons and three grandchildren. They spent most of their married lives in business, having been leaders in the Agricultural and Transportation industry on PEI. They were the first to offer bulk agricultural lime spreading and to open a trade school for truck and transport heavy equipment and school bus training. BJs Truck Centre was opened to provide much needed parts and service for their own businesses and all others with such need. Having an entrepreneurial spirit, they managed to include a total of seven businesses in the span of many decades; all were sold by the end of 2021.

All the while they managed to serve in leadership roles at Central Christian Church, where Joan served as chair of the board. She also served as vice chair of Skills Trades PEI and as a board member of Canadian Trucker Sector Counsel, where she was awarded for her work with HR in the transportation industry.

They are now free to share in other areas that have been a passion for them throughout their lives. Joan serves on the Mission Team and leads the prayer ministry at Central Christian. They have provided prayer and financial support for Missions ever since close friends went to Chiang Mai, Thailand over four decades ago and have supported Wycliffe since the Visser’s went to Cameroon.

Joan and Bill also enjoy boating and spend their winter on their boat, aptly named Tis A New Life.

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Peter Moore

Rev. Peter Moore has served as Lead Pastor of Douglas Baptist Church in New Brunswick since 2005. He grew up in New Brunswick and has been in local church ministry for 26 years, with all but three years of his pastoral ministry having been at the same church. Peter is ordained with the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) and serves locally on the Executive of the York Baptist Association of Churches. He has participated in missions to the Dominican Republic and Cameroon, as well as Argentina and Bolivia. Peter has been married to Patricia for 27 years, is the father of 5 children ages 17 - 27 and the grandfather of one beautiful little girl. He enjoys getting outdoors to cycle, fish, skate and snowshoe.

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Ryan Graham

Ryan currently serves as the National Vice President with The Alliance Canada. He and his wife Christana have been married for 26 years. Together they have three kids aged 22, 20, and 16 and live in the greater Toronto area.

Ryan served the local church for almost 18 years, first as Student Ministries Director and Teaching Pastor at First Alliance Calgary, and then 10 years as Senior Pastor of Westlife Church Calgary. In 2015 the Grahams moved east to Toronto where Ryan took on the national role of Director of Leader Development for The Alliance Canada, and Director of Envision Canada. In the fall of 2017, Ryan began his current role as National Vice President.

Field Member Advisors

Those selected to serve on the board must demonstrate Christian character, enthusiastically support the work of Bible translation, and be committed to full participation in board work. Using their ability to think strategically and futuristically, with a consistent emphasis on discerning God’s will, the board sets the direction for Wycliffe Canada. The president of Wycliffe Canada, Jon ImBeau, and the leadership team under his direction is responsible for achieving the desired results set by the board.

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Rob Bustin

Rob and Kara live in Ethiopia, where Rob first worked with a mother-tongue New Testament translation team (which was dedicated in March 2023). For the past eight years, Rob has been the programs director for the Bible translation services, scripture engagement, and digital media work conducted by the SIL Ethiopia Branch, one of Wycliffe’s key field partners. Rob is excited to be working with local churches and ministries as they take the lead in identifying Bible translation needs and as they seek community transformation through God’s Word. Kara teaches at a Christian international school in Addis Ababa and is excited to be interacting with the diverse staff and student community who come from over 30 nations. Rob and Kara have been members of Wycliffe Canada since 2012, and they have three daughters.

Jon Jagt

Jon Jagt

Jon is originally from Southern Ontario. After feeling the Lord’s call to work in Bible translation, he joined Wycliffe Canada along with his wife Candace in 2012. Together with their three children, they have been working in Papua New Guinea since Feb 2013. Jon’s first role was in the area of software development, but during their first term Jon felt increasingly pulled toward administering a translation and literacy program in Madang province. Jon and Candace are currently serving with the Gwahatike multi-language translation program, which is located on the north coast of mainland Papua New Guinea. They spend part of their time in that area and part of their time living in Ukarumpa, the main mission center of PNG.

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Alice Reed

Alice grew up in a non-denominational Chinese church in Houston, Texas, where she was a student leader in the youth group. After graduating from university with a degree in anthropology and francophone studies, she began a career in marketing. However, a church course on world missions introduced her to Bible translation, and Alice soon recognized it as the place God was calling her to, where – in the words of Frederick Buechner – “your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

Alice met her husband, Martin, while in seminary, and they joined Wycliffe Canada in 2017 in order to serve First Nations communities in northern Quebec and Manitoba as language program facilitators. For five years Alice worked closely alongside Indigenous church leaders, most notably in the Anglican tradition, to create Scripture products and promote the use of First Nations languages in church, school, and community life.

In 2022 Alice and Martin relocated to Calgary, Alberta with their two young children. Alice now serves on the SIL Global Consultant Pool, reviewing Bible translations and advising translation teams primarily in Canada and Africa. Alice is passionate about seeing the global Church be built up through the unique gifts and theological perspectives of mother-tongue Bible translators. To this end, she is also currently pursuing a PhD in Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary.