The Most Important Message

Length 02:55 John Wycliffe is known as the Morning Star of the Reformation. The work and legacy of this dedicated servant of Christ helped change history, planting seeds for generations of Bible translators from thousands of language groups. Watch this richly textured animation to learn more.

Thank You

Thank You!

Length 00:52 For more than 80 years, we’ve been passionate about helping people access Scripture in a language and format…

With All My Mind

With All My Mind

Length 3:25 Krista loves being challenged in her profession as an accountant and serving the Lord with all her mind.…

How Bible Translation Works

How Bible Translation Works

Length 5:41 From beginning to end, here’s the Bible translation ministry explained creatively through hand-drawn art on a whiteboard. Our…

Managing Relationships

Managing Relationships

Length 3:45 Brian got more than he bargained for, in the best possible way. He was single when he started his…