Keith and Jacqueline’s involvement with Wycliffe goes back many years. Born to Wycliffe members, Jacqueline grew up in Papua New Guinea (PNG). After studying in the U.S. and serving with Operation Mobilization as a primary school teacher, Jacqueline joined Wycliffe Canada in 1993. She was assigned to manage Wycliffe U.K.’s childcare centre at Horsley’s Green in Buckinghamshire.
Born in the U.K., Keith first became involved with Wycliffe U.K. as a teenager. Later, he and his family joined Wycliffe U.K. in 1987 and served for almost two years as operations director of the pacific orientation course in PNG before returning to the U.K. for family reasons. In subsequent years, Keith served at the Wycliffe Centre at Horsley’s Green as centre director, operations director, and as marketing manager in the communications department.
Keith and Jacqueline married in 1999, and after a year’s leave for training and working in the U.K. with Ellel Ministries International, they moved to serve in the Wycliffe Canada office in Calgary, leaving Keith’s three adult sons in the U.K. While in Calgary, Keith worked in the human resources, prayer ministry and marketing departments. Jacqueline oversaw the prayer department, editing the quarterly Prayer Alive magazine and helping Canadians to pray for the work of Wycliffe and the Bible translation task. Their daughter was born in 2003.
In 2004, Keith was seconded to SIL, Wycliffe’s key field partner, as director of enterprise information systems/chief information officer. Jacqueline began serving as Keith’s administrative assistant. In 2010, they moved back to the U.K. Subsequently Keith served as director of global technology and information services, global director of child safety and protection, and SIL global director of human resources (chief human resources officer).
In 2020 Keith and Jacqueline returned to service with Wycliffe UK, where Keith currently serves as Director for Special Projects as part of the People team (human resources). Jacqueline continues to serve as Keith’s administrative assistant.